
Your Roofing System Should Be A Package Deal

There are many different shingle manufacturer's out there. There are also many different manufacturers of the accessories that go into a roofing system. Most homeowners research will research the shingle manufacturer but fail to ask the roofing contractor about the accessories that they use. From ridge vent to ice and water shield, the accessories are just as important as the shingles you select. 

Most contractors can get better pricing on off brand ridge vents, ice and water shield, underlayment's, and starter/cap shingles. They will choose the off brand to save a buck. However, is it better to use many different manufacturer's  and piece a system together? I do not think so and neither should you. When we visit with the homeowner and provide an estimate for replacement, we suggest a system to be installed. The more accessories used from the same manufacturer the better. We believe that the Owens Corning Duration shingle is one of the best laminated shingles on the market. We feel the same way about their accessories. The Owens Corning High Point ridge vent provides the most net free vent area per foot than any other ridge vent. The starter shingle used at the edge of a roof has high quality sealant that provides a great bond to the  shingle.

The roofing system is designed by manufacturer to work together. Yes, it does cost a little more, However, peace of mind knowing that most , if not all, the accessories are from the same manufacturer will be beneficial in the long run. Plus, if there happens to be a product failure, one manufacturer isn't blaming it on another with you caught in the middle.



About the author

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Matt Cheney
General Manager
Matt Cheney is the branch manager at Roof Roof in Greenville, SC. He has been with Roof Roof for over 7 years.

our service area

We serve the following areas

South CarolinaNorth Carolina
  • Balsam Grove
  • Brevard
  • Cedar Mountain
  • East Flat Rock
  • Etowah
  • Flat Rock
  • Hendersonville
  • Horse Shoe
  • Lake Toxaway
  • Mills River
  • Penrose
  • Pisgah Forest
  • Rosman
  • Saluda
  • Zirconia
Our Locations:

Mighty Dog Roofing
1120 West Butler Rd
Suite Q
Greenville, SC 29607
Service Area
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